Mastering the Art of Balance: A Peek into Dr. Harry's Energising Daily Rituals

Well, let me take you on a journey through my uniquely crazy, health-conscious day!
First things first, I snooze in bed for as long as possible, waking up naturally to take a quick look at my Oura and Eight Sleep scores. While I'm at it, I also check my overnight blood glucose, blood pressure, and heart rate variability.
As I stretch and yawn, I roll over to give my wife a morning hug and kiss. Now, fully awake, it's time to put the Yankees on TV and brew some fresh coffee. I cherish these quiet, shared moments with my wife, where we take 10 minutes to chat and sip our coffees before she dashes off to work. My coffee? Just a simple filtered one with cream. Meanwhile, I sneak a peek at my calendar and my projects for the day.
Then, it's a whirl of goodbyes and kisses as I send the kids off to school before making myself a nourishing smoothie.
It's a concoction of:
Almond milk
Protein powder
Half a banana
A drizzle of olive oil,
and a dollop of peanut butter.
Next, I hit the mat for 20 minutes of yoga or Pilates, followed by a 15-minute meditation in the sauna - it's a balmy 85 degrees in there!
Post sauna, I head to the shower, where I can sneak in a few cat-cows, half sun salutations, triangle poses, warrior poses, and air squats before I brave 30 seconds of icy cold water.

Having survived the cold shower, I reward myself with my supplements. These consist of Taurine, B complex, Folate, Co enzyme Q10, Vitamin D, Creatine, Fish oil a teaspoon of essential amino acids.
I take a high dose of Kurk for the osteoarthritis in my back and nothing gets rid of the stiffness like Kurk—nothing! At night, melatonin and phosphatidyl serine.
Then it's time to work hard but work even smarter. Strategy, personal project management, and prioritisation are my bread and butter. Though, I do allow myself an occasional break for a sneak peek at the news or Instagram, or to indulge in the NY Times games like Spelling Bee.
Lunch is a plentiful salad, chock-full of chicken, cheese, veggies, and a generous drizzle of olive oil.
After work, it's training time! My training changes a lot but at the moment is centred around aerobic efficiency, mobility, and strength.
All while trying to absorb information from the books I read or podcasts I listen to during intervals. When I'm not training, I'm coaching my kids sports.
“It's important to note that I'm not a robot. I do what I can - attempting to do enough to maintain good health while attending to everything else that comes my way.
I love work, but nothing is more important than my relationships.
I've made peace with the fact life is short. Time, energy and motivation are in limited supply and I can only get done what I can get done in a day so I don't beat myself up like I used to!”
—Dr. Harry
My evening is just as packed as my day. I'm always at the door to welcome my wife back home. Sometimes we indulge in some Uber eats, but trust me, I make a mean steak!
The evening is for family time; we huddle around the NYT crossword and Spelling Bee games, sneak in some life lessons and have a good laugh or two. And yes, occasionally we do like to kick back with a cocktail or two!
As the day winds down, we cuddle, kiss, and share some intimate moments. We may also watch TV or listen to some music in bed, unwinding and problem-solving together.

To cap it off, I ensure my oral hygiene is in top-notch condition, even if it means wrestling with those annoying piksters (which are admittedly less annoying than floss!).
Finally, the bedroom is set up for a good night's sleep - dark, cool, the mattress set at a comfortable 26 degrees courtesy of Eight Sleep, an eye mask, and a pillow speaker playing soothing swishy sounds.